We’ve been on a long journey with Neva. We developed a friendship about 7 years ago while working closely together at BCG. I happened to be in the midst of planning my wedding so she was privy to much more than a new friend normally would be. She was single and working hard to support her two young girls and we did a few (adorable) photoshoots for them. She said that if she ever got married again, Lionel and I would be her photographers. It turns out that one of the things that BCG does best is recruit really interesting and intelligent people. As a result, it’s no surprise that office romances spring up on a regular basis. Neva soon met Geoff at work - a cerebral, caring person with a heavy dose of a unique sort of dry humor that fits together with Neva perfectly. Soon after, I left BCG to pursue photography full-time, and Neva and Geoff moved to California. While we weren’t as connected as before, we were on each others’ radar and when Geoff proposed, true to her word, Neva got in touch. She told me of a grand plan for this incredible wedding in Scotland where the girls would wear her clan tartan at a castle on a cliff edge that had been the seat of her ancestors. Lionel and I salivated accordingly. A lot happened after that which could easily have put an end to this dream wedding in Scotland, including the birth of William, Neva and Geoff’s darling baby boy and a backyard wedding. However, against all odds, we all flew to Scotland in early April this year and dreams did come true.
It’s hard to say what we loved most, as this trip exceeded every one of our expectations. However, what left us most fulfilled was experiencing what a beautiful family Geoff and Neva have made together. Geoff adores Neva’s girls with all that he is and they love him in return. You would never imagine that he is not their father, and that his parents are not their grandparents. Their connections are permanent and real…. they just all go together with nothing out of place. As you will see in the images below, we got incredibly lucky with the weather, the locations, the beauty of… well everything and everyone…. But the real magic was in this incredible group of people and witnessing their love and fun and care for one another. Thank you so much, Neva and Goeff, and all your amazing family and friends, for making us a part of something so special. We love you!